Much of the 2020 fall race season is cancelled, but we can still have fun riding bikes around town in places that will challenge your bike handling skills! This challenge is to ride the Ann Arbor area’s singletrack trails that make up the mythical Local Loop! For extra stoke, you could ride them on your cyclocross bike!
The AAVC Local Looping season goes from Monday Oct 19th - Sunday November 15th (4 weekends). Keep an eye out on social media, Strava, and AAVC Slack for the weekly AAVC Local Looping segments.
Must be a current AAVC member. If you are not, sign up HERE.
Have a STRAVA account & the username must be similar to your real name.
Join the AAVC STRAVA club.
Keep an eye out on social media, Strava, and AAVC Slack for the weekly AAVC Local Looping segments.
Include the Strava segment in one of your rides before the end of the week (Sunday at 8pm) so you show up in the 2020 AAVC segment leaderboard.
Every Sunday evening, one AAVC member who has completed the segment will be selected in a raffle to win your choice of an AAVC cycling cap or a t-shirt
It does not matter if you are the fastest or slowest for the segment. Segment time does not determine the winner. What is important to the AAVC is that you are out there riding your bike (and practicing social distancing!)
Title your Strava workout “AAVC Local Looping”
Ride your cyclocross bike!
Use the hashtag #AAVCLocalLooping and tag @AAVCRACING on social media, and post a photo of you/your bike on on the trail
Week #1. Olson Park : 1st mile (1.05 miles)
Week #2. Sendero Uno (1.11 miles)
Week #3. Baits | Dowhill Run (0.25 miles)
Week #4. Leslie’s Leslies (0.52 miles)
Week #4. Barton Trail (0.91 miles)