Mission & Bylaws
To develop skills and abilities across all groups (junior riders, senior men and women and masters racers) and to give members the opportunity to develop these skills and abilites through organized coaching, scheduled training rides and clinics and a variety of racing opportunities. Riders with the ability and desire to go further with their racing, are encouraged to join an elite team when ready to do so.
1. Name of Organization
The name of this organization shall be the Ann Arbor Velo Club, hereafter referred to as "The Club".
2. Purpose of the Organization
The purpose of The Club shall be to promote competitive bicycling. Assistance shall be provided to its members in preparation for and participation in bicycle races. The club shall actively recruit new members, and publicize its activities. The Club shall comply with existing USCF rules regarding race promotion.
3. Membership in Organization
Membership is open to all persons. The sole requirements for membership are timely payment of club dues, and signature of release statement absolving The Club of any responsibility for damager and/or injury resulting from participation in club activities. Persons under 18 years of age must obtain the signature of a parent or guardian for the release statement.
4. Officers of the Organization
4.1 Titles and Duties
President - Chief executive officer. Schedules and presides over meetings, appoints committee chairpersons, represents The Club in dealings with other organizations.
Executive Vice President - Assists President, substitutes in the absence of the President, assumes duties of the President if the President resigns or is removed from office. Acts as the key Steering Committee contact with the Summer Race organization.
Vice President for Membership (formerly Secretary) - prepares meeting minutes, maintains all non-financial club records, maintains membership records, coordinates member programs.
Treasurer - Maintains financial records, manages club finances, files all pertinent financial records with the USCF in cooperation with the President.
4.2 Election
Officers shall be elected on a yearly basis at the last regularly scheduled membership meeting of the year, but in no case later than December 31. A minimum two-thirds (2/3) affirmative vote of the members present shall be required to elect any given officer. Officers may serve an unlimited number of consecutive terms of office, however, no officer may serve concurrently in more than one office.
4.3 Vacated Offices
In the event an officer is unable to complete the normal one year term of office, the President (or Vice-President if the President is the affected officer) shall schedule a membership meeting within two weeks of the effective date of resignation or removal to elect a replacement. The remaining officers shall assume the duties of the vacated office in the interim period.
4.4 Removal from Office
An officer may be removed from office by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of members present at any scheduled meeting. Any member may request that the President (or Vice President if the President is the affected officer) schedule a special meeting for this purpose. Grounds for removal are neglect of duties, malfeasance, and incompetence.
5. Committees of the Organization
5.1 Steering Committee
The Steering Committee is comprised of the officers of The Club, all committee chairpersons, and any other persons the chairperson may deem fit to appoint. The chairperson of the Steering Committee is the president of The Club. The purpose of this committee is to conduct all business pertinent to the operation of The Club, formulate club policy, and coordinate the operation of the other committees. The president shall schedule meetings of the Steering Committee as required. All club members are permitted to attend these meetings.
5.2 Publicity Committee
The Publicity Committee is comprised of the chairperson (Vice President for Communications and Publicity) appointed by the president, and members appointed by the chairperson. The purpose of this committee is to publicize the activities of The Club in the media, and in any other cost-effective manner. Funds for this purpose shall be allocated by two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Steering Committee.
5.3 Racing Committee
The Racing Committee is comprised of the chairperson (Vice President for Racing) appointed by the president, and members appointed by the chairperson. The purpose of this committee is to organize and schedule club training and racing activities. Funds for this purpose shall be allocated by two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Steering Committee.
5.4 Development Committee
The Development Committee is comprised of the chairperson (Vice President for Development) appointed by the president, and members appointed by the chairperson. The purpose of this committee is to determine direction with the Steering Committee, of development programs and to administer development programs.
5.5 Sponsorship Committee
The Sponsorship Committee is comprised of the chairperson (Vice President for Sponsorship) appointed by the president, and members appointed by the chairperson. The purpose of this committee is to secure sponsorships for the club and to serve as liaison to current sponsors. Coordinate with race committeed to avoid sponsor overlap.
5.6 Other Committees
The president shall appoint chairpersons for other committees as recommended by the Steering Committee.
6. Affiliation
6.1 United States Cycling Federation
The Club shall be a member of the United States Cycling Federation, hereafter referred to as the USCF. The requirements of this membership are timely payment of dues, and promotion of at least one USCF sanctioned race during the calendar year. Club members are not required to obtain a USCF racing license.
6.2 Other Organizations
The Club may affiliate with any organization promoting competitive bicycling by two-thirds (2/3) vote of the membership, provided this does not conflict with USCF membership.
7. Finances
7.1 Sponsorship
The Club shall actively seek financial sponsorship from external agencies such as businesses to help promote its activities, and defray associated costs incurred by its membership. The Steering Committee shall determine the manner in which these monies and services are used and distributed. The sponsorship must conform with the regulations of the USCF which include a contractual agreement, a financial report, and a USCF fee based on the amount of sponsorship.
7.2 Dues
Membership dues shall be paid annually, and shall cover the fiscal year in which they are paid. The dues shall be established annually by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Steering Committee.
7.3 Fiscal Year
The fiscal year shall be the calendar year.
7.4 Conformance with USCF Rules
The Club shall conform with all USCF rules regarding the disbursement of funds to its members.
8. Amendments to Constitution
The constitution may be amended at any time by two-thirds (2/3) vote of The Club membership. Any member may present a proposed amendment at any scheduled meeting, or submit in writing to the president. The president may solicit votes by proxy ballot.
9. Dissolution of Organization
The Club may be dissolved at any time by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of The Club membership. The conditions for voting on this issue are the same as for article 8. In the event that The Club votes to dissolve, the president shall direct the sale of all club hard assets which shall be combined with all liquid assets. The total consolidated assets shall be donated to the United States Olympic Committee Cycling program.
Adopted March 7, 1983
Amended December 2, 1989
To develop skills and abilities across all groups (junior riders, senior men and women and masters racers) and to give members the opportunity to develop these skills and abilites through organized coaching, scheduled training rides and clinics and a variety of racing opportunities. Riders with the ability and desire to go further with their racing, are encouraged to join an elite team when ready to do so.
1. Name of Organization
The name of this organization shall be the Ann Arbor Velo Club, hereafter referred to as "The Club".
2. Purpose of the Organization
The purpose of The Club shall be to promote competitive bicycling. Assistance shall be provided to its members in preparation for and participation in bicycle races. The club shall actively recruit new members, and publicize its activities. The Club shall comply with existing USCF rules regarding race promotion.
3. Membership in Organization
Membership is open to all persons. The sole requirements for membership are timely payment of club dues, and signature of release statement absolving The Club of any responsibility for damager and/or injury resulting from participation in club activities. Persons under 18 years of age must obtain the signature of a parent or guardian for the release statement.
4. Officers of the Organization
4.1 Titles and Duties
President - Chief executive officer. Schedules and presides over meetings, appoints committee chairpersons, represents The Club in dealings with other organizations.
Executive Vice President - Assists President, substitutes in the absence of the President, assumes duties of the President if the President resigns or is removed from office. Acts as the key Steering Committee contact with the Summer Race organization.
Vice President for Membership (formerly Secretary) - prepares meeting minutes, maintains all non-financial club records, maintains membership records, coordinates member programs.
Treasurer - Maintains financial records, manages club finances, files all pertinent financial records with the USCF in cooperation with the President.
4.2 Election
Officers shall be elected on a yearly basis at the last regularly scheduled membership meeting of the year, but in no case later than December 31. A minimum two-thirds (2/3) affirmative vote of the members present shall be required to elect any given officer. Officers may serve an unlimited number of consecutive terms of office, however, no officer may serve concurrently in more than one office.
4.3 Vacated Offices
In the event an officer is unable to complete the normal one year term of office, the President (or Vice-President if the President is the affected officer) shall schedule a membership meeting within two weeks of the effective date of resignation or removal to elect a replacement. The remaining officers shall assume the duties of the vacated office in the interim period.
4.4 Removal from Office
An officer may be removed from office by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of members present at any scheduled meeting. Any member may request that the President (or Vice President if the President is the affected officer) schedule a special meeting for this purpose. Grounds for removal are neglect of duties, malfeasance, and incompetence.
5. Committees of the Organization
5.1 Steering Committee
The Steering Committee is comprised of the officers of The Club, all committee chairpersons, and any other persons the chairperson may deem fit to appoint. The chairperson of the Steering Committee is the president of The Club. The purpose of this committee is to conduct all business pertinent to the operation of The Club, formulate club policy, and coordinate the operation of the other committees. The president shall schedule meetings of the Steering Committee as required. All club members are permitted to attend these meetings.
5.2 Publicity Committee
The Publicity Committee is comprised of the chairperson (Vice President for Communications and Publicity) appointed by the president, and members appointed by the chairperson. The purpose of this committee is to publicize the activities of The Club in the media, and in any other cost-effective manner. Funds for this purpose shall be allocated by two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Steering Committee.
5.3 Racing Committee
The Racing Committee is comprised of the chairperson (Vice President for Racing) appointed by the president, and members appointed by the chairperson. The purpose of this committee is to organize and schedule club training and racing activities. Funds for this purpose shall be allocated by two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Steering Committee.
5.4 Development Committee
The Development Committee is comprised of the chairperson (Vice President for Development) appointed by the president, and members appointed by the chairperson. The purpose of this committee is to determine direction with the Steering Committee, of development programs and to administer development programs.
5.5 Sponsorship Committee
The Sponsorship Committee is comprised of the chairperson (Vice President for Sponsorship) appointed by the president, and members appointed by the chairperson. The purpose of this committee is to secure sponsorships for the club and to serve as liaison to current sponsors. Coordinate with race committeed to avoid sponsor overlap.
5.6 Other Committees
The president shall appoint chairpersons for other committees as recommended by the Steering Committee.
6. Affiliation
6.1 United States Cycling Federation
The Club shall be a member of the United States Cycling Federation, hereafter referred to as the USCF. The requirements of this membership are timely payment of dues, and promotion of at least one USCF sanctioned race during the calendar year. Club members are not required to obtain a USCF racing license.
6.2 Other Organizations
The Club may affiliate with any organization promoting competitive bicycling by two-thirds (2/3) vote of the membership, provided this does not conflict with USCF membership.
7. Finances
7.1 Sponsorship
The Club shall actively seek financial sponsorship from external agencies such as businesses to help promote its activities, and defray associated costs incurred by its membership. The Steering Committee shall determine the manner in which these monies and services are used and distributed. The sponsorship must conform with the regulations of the USCF which include a contractual agreement, a financial report, and a USCF fee based on the amount of sponsorship.
7.2 Dues
Membership dues shall be paid annually, and shall cover the fiscal year in which they are paid. The dues shall be established annually by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Steering Committee.
7.3 Fiscal Year
The fiscal year shall be the calendar year.
7.4 Conformance with USCF Rules
The Club shall conform with all USCF rules regarding the disbursement of funds to its members.
8. Amendments to Constitution
The constitution may be amended at any time by two-thirds (2/3) vote of The Club membership. Any member may present a proposed amendment at any scheduled meeting, or submit in writing to the president. The president may solicit votes by proxy ballot.
9. Dissolution of Organization
The Club may be dissolved at any time by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of The Club membership. The conditions for voting on this issue are the same as for article 8. In the event that The Club votes to dissolve, the president shall direct the sale of all club hard assets which shall be combined with all liquid assets. The total consolidated assets shall be donated to the United States Olympic Committee Cycling program.
Adopted March 7, 1983
Amended December 2, 1989