Maple Hill RR
We had a great turnout for the club at the Maple Hill Race for Wishes with nearly 20 AAVC’ers making the trip over to Kalamazoo. The race was held in a rural area west of
the city in Lawton Township and featured four short climbs of ~8% grade with a number of rollers. In the Cat 4 race Tyler Trask and Harvey
Elliott set out to punish the competition
from the start and set the pace for much
of their four laps. Of the 75+ riders
who started the race, only 42 finished and of those only ~15 were there for the
sprint. For his part, Tyler really
dished out the pain, but unfortunately crashed out with less than 2 miles to
go. Harvey was able
to dive out of the
lane to avoid the pile up, but didn’t have any more go for the finish and
rolled in with the lead pack at 11th. Fred Feng finished 33rd and Rob Shoemaker was
just behind him at 35th. Rob had a short breakaway in the 3rd
lap, but these guys ended up solo for much of the 4th lap when
things got really hairy. In the Cat 4
Womens race, Andrea Merlotti shined as a climber staying near the front the
whole race and winning the group sprint to the finish. With that performance she secured a new State
Champion jersey and proved that she needs to upgrade! While I can’t say much for the other races, I
can report places.
Harvey Elliott sitting in at 4th wheel |
AAVC'ers setting the pace in the Cat 4 race |
Cat 1/2: Rob Ehrman took an impressive 4th place
Masters 35+: Colin Hebert finished 11th and Lucas
Wall 18th
Master 45+: David Fanslow 15th, Winston Benedict
21st, Kurt Schaldenbrand 36th
Cat 3: Danny Soltan 14th
Cat 4: Harvey Elliott 11th, Fred Feng 33rd,
Rob Shoemaker 35th, Tyler Trask DNF
Cat 5: Ben Rothacker 8th and Michael Kines 14th
Cat 5 35+: Rob Grainger 4th and Matt Raezler 19th
Juniors: Vincent Vermeulen 4th
Womens Cat 4: Andrea Merlotti 1st