2011 AAVC Team Clothing Order

Place your 2011 team clothing orders now! We are ordering clothing from Hincapie Sportswear again and sizing is the same as 2010 (with a few more big and small sizes available—kids through 3XL). We will use the same design (general layout, colors, panels) as 2010 with only minor changes. And we've managed to decrease the prices on jerseys and bibshorts for 2011!

Orders can be placed and paid for online at the same time this year rather than having to wait for separate invoicing like last season. Please visit the order page [link removed, orders closed] to place your online order. If you prefer to pay by check, please visit the order page [link removed, orders closed], read the info, and use the hardcopy order form link to submit your order and payment.

All orders are due by Tuesday, December 14, 2010, with payment in full (update on 12/15/10: orders are now due by Sunday, Dec. 19). This will likely be the only clothing order for the 2011 season, so if you're interested in getting clothes for next season, it is recommended you take advantage of this order. Delivery is expected sometime in March, and we'll share a more specific timeframe once notified by Hincapie.

As is usual, we need to have a minimum order on all items, so in the event we do not have the minimum of 10 items requested for a particular item you order, you will be contacted to see if you want a similar item (e.g. a short sleeve version instead of long sleeve) or if you would like a refund on the unavailable item. We will provide updates during the three weeks that orders are being accepted so you know the quantity of items being ordered.

If you have any questions, please contact Lucas Wall.

> Place your order Orders closed. Contact Lucas with any questions.


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