Huron River Drive repaving project - contributions sought
There is an effort to repave a portion of Huron River Drive (HRD) this summer that many of us remember well: the section just west of the intersection with Wagner, including the railroad crossing.
Funds are being sought to fund this initiative. Please consider making a contribution as there is a 2-to-1 matching program for private donations (e.g. $200 given for every $100 contributed, for $300 total). Additional details about the project follow, and if you chose to make a donation, please mail it by July 5.
Yes, we all pay roadway taxes with the gas we buy, but as users who have a more intimate knowledge of the holes along HRD, might I propose that we have a little more interest than motorists. As ambassadors, students, and teachers of the sport, and people always interested in our safety, it would be fantastic if we could contribute to the community and demonstrate to area motorists that we take our responsibility as users of the roadway very seriously.
Background of the project: The Washtenaw County Road Commission has received federal funds to repave Huron River Drive from Tubbs to Zeeb, and from Wagner to N. Maple (map of road sections involved:, which is great and exciting news for all bicyclists. The repaving is scheduled for this July or August.
Unfortunately, the section between Tubbs and Wagner was deemed to be in too poor condition for simply repaving and therefore ineligible for these federal funds. Therefore, Ted Green (owner of AAVC sponsor Greenview Data/SpamStopsHere) and his wife, Debbie, have been working on a project of raising private donations to get this terrible and very unsafe section repaved too.
While the main goal of this project is to extend the paving east from Tubbs to the bridge and hopefully all the way to Wagner, the short eastbound stretch west of Zeeb will be requested for repaving, too.
The Tubbs to Wagner section is estimated to cost $90,000 ($90K) to grind and repave this section. (It might be a bit more.) This might sound like an awful lot to raise, but here is the good news:
* The Washtenaw County Road Commission (WCRC) has found ways/sources to DOUBLE-match our donations! Therefore, only $30K needs to be raised.
Your donations are critical to getting Tubbs to Wagner repaved. Without them, there is no possibility of it being repaired this year or NEXT year. While matching funds are available, these funds were budgeted to "match private donations" and are otherwise not available. Such donations are quite rare and while road repair money is almost non-existent, "The system" stipulates that our donations be matched. Lets take advantage of it.
Make the check out to: Washtenaw County Road Commission.
Send it to: AABTS (Ann Arbor Bicycle Touring Society), Attn: HRD Repaving, PO Box 1585, Ann Arbor, MI 48106
Please send it by: July 5, 2010 so that we can finalize things with the WCRC
Remember, your check will only be cashed if the repaving project goes through; otherwise it will be returned to you.
Thanks for considering making a donation to improving not the only the facilities for cycling, but also supporting the community and showing the contribution that cyclists make.
Funds are being sought to fund this initiative. Please consider making a contribution as there is a 2-to-1 matching program for private donations (e.g. $200 given for every $100 contributed, for $300 total). Additional details about the project follow, and if you chose to make a donation, please mail it by July 5.
Yes, we all pay roadway taxes with the gas we buy, but as users who have a more intimate knowledge of the holes along HRD, might I propose that we have a little more interest than motorists. As ambassadors, students, and teachers of the sport, and people always interested in our safety, it would be fantastic if we could contribute to the community and demonstrate to area motorists that we take our responsibility as users of the roadway very seriously.
Background of the project: The Washtenaw County Road Commission has received federal funds to repave Huron River Drive from Tubbs to Zeeb, and from Wagner to N. Maple (map of road sections involved:, which is great and exciting news for all bicyclists. The repaving is scheduled for this July or August.
Unfortunately, the section between Tubbs and Wagner was deemed to be in too poor condition for simply repaving and therefore ineligible for these federal funds. Therefore, Ted Green (owner of AAVC sponsor Greenview Data/SpamStopsHere) and his wife, Debbie, have been working on a project of raising private donations to get this terrible and very unsafe section repaved too.
While the main goal of this project is to extend the paving east from Tubbs to the bridge and hopefully all the way to Wagner, the short eastbound stretch west of Zeeb will be requested for repaving, too.
The Tubbs to Wagner section is estimated to cost $90,000 ($90K) to grind and repave this section. (It might be a bit more.) This might sound like an awful lot to raise, but here is the good news:
* The Washtenaw County Road Commission (WCRC) has found ways/sources to DOUBLE-match our donations! Therefore, only $30K needs to be raised.
Your donations are critical to getting Tubbs to Wagner repaved. Without them, there is no possibility of it being repaired this year or NEXT year. While matching funds are available, these funds were budgeted to "match private donations" and are otherwise not available. Such donations are quite rare and while road repair money is almost non-existent, "The system" stipulates that our donations be matched. Lets take advantage of it.
Make the check out to: Washtenaw County Road Commission.
Send it to: AABTS (Ann Arbor Bicycle Touring Society), Attn: HRD Repaving, PO Box 1585, Ann Arbor, MI 48106
Please send it by: July 5, 2010 so that we can finalize things with the WCRC
Remember, your check will only be cashed if the repaving project goes through; otherwise it will be returned to you.
Thanks for considering making a donation to improving not the only the facilities for cycling, but also supporting the community and showing the contribution that cyclists make.