Mud anyone? Land Run 100 report
Mark McCullough's tale from an epic Land Run 100 on Saturday, March 14.
Land Run 100 in Stillwater, Oklahoma was flipping miserable. I am calling it the Sooner Sufferfest. It begin to rain at 3:00 pm Friday and continued for five hours. The end result was mud pies the next morning. It was on par with a top notch CX event. The hike a bike was off and on for four miles (mostly on).
The headwinds were close to 25 to 30 mph. My front hub was crying out in complaint (and getting stares in return), and I cracked hard at mile 40 from all of the mud and ran out of food. I somehow made it to the halfway point to get food out of my drop bag.

The second half was not as bad. I found my mojo, and my hub decided to be quiet. My original goal was to finish in 6:30, but 10 miles into the race I changed the goal to just finish. I met my goal to finish in the top 50. I was 45th. Jesse Ramsey from Tree Fort was 35th place. My friend Gus finish 10th. After some quick math, only 23% of the field finished Land Run 100. All three of us were a part of that 23%. It was not a fun day. But I liked it if that makes any sense.
Mark, Gus, and Jesse